About Bad Marriage

Hi, my name is Alex and I started Bad Marriage by happy accident.
Rewind to 2016. I was trying to open an office for, what was then my cleaning business, and buying furniture for it. I really liked the French industrial look and went to France as often as I could to buy. Time flew by and the offices never got finished yet they were full of amazing items. So what do you do? You open the doors and start selling and Bad Marriage was Born. In March 2018, I was invited to take space in a popular and established Antiques Shop, and the rest, as they say, is history.
Very early on if I was going to make Bad Marriage work I would have to specialise. I loved the Mid Century Modern aesthetic but knew nothing about it. Cue the 'Rocky' music. I hit internet and bought any magazines or books on Mid Century furniture and started on my massive learning curve.
Fast forward to today. Every day is a learning day and a lot has changed at Bad Marriage. I love to hunt for rare and one-off pieces whilst specialising in Czech Mid Century furniture. There have been many highs and lows along the way, but my passion has never wavered.
What does the future hold? I constantly am seeking new trends and items whilst staying true to the era and evolution is the way forward.
Now the question you all want answering. Why the name 'Bad Marriage'? Simply put is is a term used in the antiques trade.